Gmail SMTP 錯誤和代碼

Gmail SMTP 錯誤和代碼

SMTP 錯誤訊息
421, "4.7.0", Temporary System Problem. (系統暫時發生問題。)請稍後再試
421, "4.4.5", Server busy, try again later. (伺服器忙碌中,請稍後再試。)
421, "4.7.0", IP not in whitelist for RCPT domain, closing connection. (IP 不在 RCPT 網域許可清單中,正在關閉連線。)
421, "4.7.0", Our system has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited mail originating from your IP address. To protect our users from spam, mail sent from your IP address has been temporarily blocked. (我們的系統偵測到您的 IP 位址發出數量異常龐大的來路不明電子郵件。為保護使用者免於垃圾郵件騷擾,您的 IP 位址所發出的電子郵件已暫時遭到封鎖。) 詳情請參閱避免寄給 Gmail 使用者的郵件遭到封鎖或歸類為垃圾郵件。
421, "4.7.0", Temporary System Problem. Try again later. (系統暫時發生問題,因此無法進行驗證,請稍後再試。)
421, "4.7.0", TLS required for RCPT domain, closing connection. (RCPT 網域需要使用 TLS,正在關閉連線。)
421, "4.7.0", Try again later, closing connection. (正在關閉連線,請稍後再試。) 這通常表示 SMTP 轉發在 HELO 階段發生阻斷服務 (DoS) 的情形。
450, "4.2.1" The user you are trying to contact is receiving mail too quickly. Please resend your message at a later time.If the user is able to receive mail at that time, your message will be delivered. (您要聯絡的使用者目前正在接收大量郵件,因此無法再接收其他的郵件,請稍後再重新傳送郵件。如果屆時對方已可接收郵件,系統就會將您的郵件寄出。) 詳情請參閱傳送及接收郵件的限制。
450, "4.2.1", The user you are trying to contact is receiving mail at a rate that prevents additional messages from being delivered. Please resend your message at a later time.If the user is able to receive mail at that time, your message will be delivered. (您要聯絡的使用者目前正在接收大量郵件,因此無法再接收其他的郵件,請稍後再重新傳送郵件。如果屆時對方已可接收郵件,系統就會將您的郵件寄出。) 詳情請參閱傳送及接收郵件的限制。
450, "4.2.1", Peak SMTP relay limit exceeded for customer. (客戶的 SMTP 轉發上限值超過限制。) 此為暫時性錯誤。如要進一步瞭解 SMTP 轉發限制,請與管理員聯絡。您也可以參閱 SMTP 轉發服務錯誤訊息。
451, "4.3.0", Mail server temporarily rejected message. (郵件伺服器暫時拒絕接收郵件。)
451, "4.3.0", Multiple destination domains per transaction is unsupported. Please try again. (單一交易不可包含多個目的地網域,請再試一次。)
451, "4.4.2", Timeout - closing connection. (作業逾時 - 正在關閉連線。)
451, "4.5.0", SMTP protocol violation, see RFC 2821. (違反 SMTP 通訊協定,請參閱 RFC 2821。)
452, "4.2.2", The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. (您嘗試傳送郵件的電子郵件帳戶已超過配額上限。)請引導收件者釋出 Google 雲端硬碟空間及增加儲存空間。
452, "4.5.3", Domain policy size per transaction exceeded, please try this recipient in a separate transaction. (超過單一交易允許的網域政策大小,請在其他交易中重試這位收件者。)如果出現這則訊息,表示已超過收件者網域的電子郵件政策大小 (政策大小、數量或兩者皆是)。
452, "4.5.3", Your message has too many recipients. (您的郵件收件者數量過多。) 如要進一步瞭解 Google 的傳送限制,請參閱傳送及接收郵件的限制。
454, "4.5.0", SMTP protocol violation, no commands allowed to pipeline after STARTTLS, visit RFC 3207. (違反 SMTP 通訊協定,在 STARTTLS 之後不可處理指令,請參閱 RFC 3207。)
454, "4.7.0", Cannot authenticate due to temporary system problem. Try again later. (系統暫時發生問題,因此無法進行驗證,請稍後再試。)
454, "5.5.1", STARTTLS may not be repeated. (STARTTLS 不可重複。)
501, "5.5.2", Cannot Decode response. (無法對回應進行解碼。)
501, "5.5.4", HELO/EHLO argument is invalid. (HELO/EHLO 引數無效。) 詳情請參閱 HELO/EHLO 電子郵件錯誤。
502, "5.5.1", Too many unrecognized commands, goodbye. (無法辨識的指令過多,再見。)
502, "5.5.1", Unimplemented command. (實作指令。)
502, "5.5.1", Unrecognized command. (無法辨識指令。)
503, "5.5.1", "EHLO/HELO first. (EHLO/HELO 優先。)
503, "5.5.1", MAIL first. (MAIL 優先。)
503, "5.5.1", RCPT first. (RCPT 優先。)
503, "5.7.0", No identity changes permitted. (系統不允許變更身分。)
504, "5.7.4", Unrecognized Authentication Type. (無法辨識驗證類型。)
530, "5.5.1", Authentication Required. (需要驗證。) 詳情請參閱無法登入您的 Google 帳戶。
530, "5.7.0", Must issue a STARTTLS command first. (必須先發出 STARTTLS 指令。)
535, "5.5.4", Optional Argument not permitted for that AUTH mode. (這個 AUTH 模式不接受選擇性引數。)
535, "5.7.1", Application-specific password required. (需要應用程式專用密碼。) 詳情請參閱使用應用程式密碼登入帳戶。
535, "5.7.1", Please log in with your web browser and then try again. (請使用您的網路瀏覽器登入,然後再試一次。) 詳情請參閱透過其他電子郵件平台查看 Gmail。
535, "5.7.1", Username and Password not accepted. (系統不接受使用者名稱和密碼。) 詳情請參閱無法登入您的 Google 帳戶。
550, "5.1.1", The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. (您嘗試傳送郵件的目標電子郵件帳戶不存在。請仔細檢查收件者的電子郵件地址是否有拼寫錯誤或多餘的空格。) 詳情請參閱修正電子郵件遭到退回或拒絕的問題。
550, "5.2.1", The email account that you tried to reach is disabled. (您嘗試傳送郵件的目標電子郵件帳戶已經停用。)
550, "5.2.1", The user you are trying to contact is receiving mail at a rate that prevents additional messages from being delivered. (您要聯絡的使用者正在接收大量郵件,因此無法再接收其他的郵件。) 詳情請參閱傳送及接收郵件的限制。
550, "5.4.5", Daily sending quota exceeded. (超過每日傳送配額。) 詳情請參閱電子郵件傳送限制。
550, "5.4.5", Daily SMTP relay limit exceeded for user. (使用者的 SMTP 每日轉發上限值超過限制。) 如要進一步瞭解 SMTP 轉發限制,請與管理員聯絡,或是參閱 SMTP 轉發服務錯誤訊息。
550, "5.7.0", Mail relay denied. (郵件轉發遭拒。)
550, "5.7.0", Mail Sending denied. (郵件傳送遭拒。) 如果寄件者的帳戶遭到停用或是並未在您的 Google Workspace 網域中註冊,就可能會發生這項錯誤。
550, "5.7.1", Email quota exceeded. (超過電子郵件配額。)
550, "5.7.1", Invalid credentials for relay. (轉發憑證無效。)
550, "5.7.1", Our system has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited mail originating from your IP address. To protect our users from spam, mail sent from your IP address has been rejected/temporarily blocked. (我們的系統偵測到您的 IP 位址發出了數量龐大、來路不明的電子郵件。為了讓使用者免於垃圾郵件騷擾,您的 IP 位址所發出的電子郵件已遭封鎖。)請詳閱避免寄給 Gmail 使用者的郵件遭到封鎖或歸類為垃圾郵件一文。
550, "5.7.1", Our system has detected that this message is likely unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked. (我們的系統偵測到這封郵件可能來路不明。為了減少傳送到 Gmail 的垃圾郵件數量,這封郵件已經遭到封鎖。) 詳情請參閱為什麼 Gmail 封鎖我的郵件?
550, "5.7.1", The IP you're using to send mail is not authorized to send email directly to our servers. Please use the SMTP relay at your service provider instead." (系統並未授權您使用該 IP 直接將電子郵件傳送至我們的伺服器,請改用服務供應商的 SMTP 轉發功能傳送。) 詳情請參閱「您用來傳送電子郵件的 IP 未經授權...」。
550, "5.7.1", The user or domain that you are sending to (or from) has a policy that prohibited the mail that you sent. Please contact your domain administrator for further details. (郵件收件者 (或寄件者) 的使用者帳戶或網域設有禁止這封郵件的政策。如需進一步瞭解詳情,請與您的網域管理員聯絡。) 詳情請參閱很抱歉,根據現行的政策,系統無法寄送您的郵件。
550, "5.7.1", Unauthenticated email is not accepted from this domain. (這個網域不接受未經驗證的電子郵件。)
550, "5.7.1", Daily SMTP relay limit exceeded for customer. (客戶的 SMTP 每日轉發上限值超過限制。) 如要進一步瞭解 SMTP 轉發限制,請與管理員聯絡,或是參閱「SMTP 轉發服務錯誤訊息」。
550, "5.7.26"," Unauthenticated email from domain-name is not accepted due to domain's DMARC policy.Please contact the administrator of domain-name domain. (由於網域的 DMARC 政策規定,系統不接受來自 <網域名稱> 的未經驗證電子郵件。請與 <網域名稱> 的管理員聯絡)。如果這是正常的郵件,請參閱「控管網域中未經驗證的郵件」,瞭解 DMARC 程序。如果是有效郵件且並非垃圾郵件,請與收件伺服器管理員聯絡,瞭解外寄郵件未通過驗證的原因。
550, "5.7.26", "This message does not have authentication information or fails to pass authentication checks (SPF or DKIM). To best protect our users from spam, the message has been blocked. Please visit Prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked or sent to spam for more information." (「這封郵件沒有驗證資訊或無法通過驗證檢查 (SPF or DKIM)。為防止使用者受到垃圾信侵擾,系統已封鎖這封郵件。詳情請參閱「避免寄給 Gmail 使用者的郵件遭到封鎖或歸類為垃圾郵件」一文。」)
550, "5.7.26", "This message fails to pass SPF checks for an SPF record with a hard fail policy (-all). To best protect our users from spam and phishing, the message has been blocked. Please visit Prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked or sent to spam for more information." (「這封郵件的 SPF 記錄含有硬性故障政策 (-all),因此無法通過 SPF 檢查。為防止使用者受到垃圾郵件和網路詐騙的侵擾,系統已封鎖這封郵件。詳情請參閱「避免寄給 Gmail 使用者的郵件遭到封鎖或歸類為垃圾郵件」一文。」)
552, "5.2.2", The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. (您嘗試傳送郵件的電子郵件帳戶已超過配額上限。)
552, "5.2.3", Your message exceeded Google's message size limits. (郵件大小超過 Google 允許的上限。) 詳情請參閱透過 Gmail 郵件傳送附件。
553, "5.1.2", We weren't able to find the recipient domain. Please check for any spelling errors, and make sure you didn't enter any spaces, periods, or other punctuation after the recipient's email address. (我們找不到收件者的網域。請檢查是否有拼寫錯誤,並確認您並未在收件者的電子郵件地址後面輸入任何空格、句號或其他標點符號。)
554, "5.6.0", Mail message is malformed. Not accepted. (郵件格式錯誤,系統無法接收。)
554, "5.6.0", Message exceeded 50 hops, this may indicate a mail loop. (郵件傳遞路徑包含超過 50 個躍點,這可能是郵件遞送迴圈。)
554, "5.7.0", Too Many Unauthenticated commands. (未經驗證的指令過多。)
555, "5.5.2", Syntax error. (語法錯誤。)

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